
I used to be crazy about video games when I was a kid.


In childhood, my younger brother and I spent most of our time in my grandfather and my grandmother's home until we entered junior high school because both of our parents worked and were so busy at the time.


I, however, almost never got bored there thanks to video games.


Of all the video games that I've played, Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy were particularly memorable.


I can still remember how I was excited and how I felt happy when I was able to get hold of it on its release day.



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I'm a cat lover

If I could own a dog or a cat, I would definitely say a cat.


It doesn't mean that I don't like dogs; I agree that dogs are smarter because they can learn some tricks, such as catching a frisbee in their mouth, and also they are rather more loyal to their owners.


However, cats feel closer to me because I used to have a cat when I was a child.


He followed after me and meowed when he wanted food, and sometimes he crept into my coverlet in winter.


I think cats require less care than dogs, as you don't need to take cats out for walks.

I often watch cat movies on YouTube, which makes me want to have a cat.






A few months ago, I purchased a book titled "THE 100 YEAR LIFE",  but I've left it unread until recently.  

I started reading that book at the pace of about five or six pages a day. 

I always think how great it would be if I could read faster whenever I'm reading a book written in English. 

I still cannot read fast, but I realized that currently I can understand a bit more clearly what is written in a book compared to last year.  

I feel that I'm growing up little by little.

The degree of change is so tiny that it cannot be perceived if I only think about the short term, such as daily or weekly. 

